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S.E.L.F. Program

Oct 14, 2016

The Student Engagement in Learning for the Future (SELF) Program is a new initiative in 2017. The vision of SELF is to foster Excellence, Respect and Responsibility in their lives as College students and as global citizens.

There are common elements across all year levels such as learning goals, study skills, wellbeing activities and self-reflection and each year level has a specific theme.

Year 7 - Discover: Me

This SELF focus is centred around students building successful relationships with their fellow learners. Students work together, undertaking deliberate activities which are designed to build confidence in themselves as learners in the new school environment.

Year 8 - Explore: My World

This SELF focus is centred around students being able to identify and explore the characteristics of highly effective people and places. Students work to identify positive traits in others and reflect on ways they can use these traits to develop positive skills and outcomes in their own school experience.

Year 9 - Focus: Community Social Justice

This SELF focus is centred around students understanding concepts of leaders and leadership on a local, national and international level. Students identify areas of need in our communities and work together to raise awareness for a cause of their choice.

Year 10 – Plan: Future Directions

This SELF focus is centred around students being able to identify the range and scope of career pathways. Students undertake work related studies in preparation for work experience and senior school pathway preparation and planning.

Year 11 – Decide: Flourish

The SELF focus is centred around students celebrating and acknowledging their skills both as learners and as active contributors to the wider school community. Students develop detailed career action plans and complete units of work focussed on study skills, time management, social skills, mindfulness, stress management and exam preparation.

Year 12 - Apply: Plan and Expand

This SELF focus is centred around students building and consolidating their study skills. Students develop detailed career action plans and complete units of work focussed on study skills, time management, social skills, mindfulness, stress management and exam preparation, with an emphasis on preparing for pathways beyond secondary school.

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