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Compass and Duke of Ed Award Program – Marysville Exploration

Compass Award and Duke of Edinburgh Final Exploration to Marysville!

An overnight camp and hike for the first time is always a massive achievement which is no easy feat. The students were amazing, the way they are worked as a team, coping with navigation problems as well as difficult terrain whilst walking and low temperatures throughout the night.

There were no complaints in the whole experience, the students were excellent, respectful of each other and genuinely responsible to every member of the group, animal and other citizens.

In the students words themselves, the best part of the experience was everyone working together in a happy group and the worst part was struggling to sleep in the cold. Their work totally embraces the ethic of the Compass and Duke of Edinburgh award program, they were a pleasure to take away and work with over a weekend. Once they complete their award booklets etc, i hope they will take time to consider taking the next level of the award next year.

Well done students and a big thank you to Mr Chapman for his support.

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