News & Events

Performing Arts

Sep 10, 2016

A role for everyone to play

At Lilydale Heights College the Productions are about inclusivity, student engagement and excellence. Every person who auditions receives a speaking role, and the entire cast and crew are encouraged to make decisions and have input about directorial, acting and design decisions. Lighting and sound is run by students, and the backstage crew and designers come from the cohort.

What we perform

Each year we present a Whole School Production, involving students from Years 7 to 12, with a junior production in Term 4, giving a chance for Year 7 and 8 students to develop their skills with the help of Year 9 directors. We perform a range of pieces, often comedies, but also tragedies, Shakespeare and well known stories, like Alice in Wonderland. The junior pieces are fun, including plays about super-heroes, vikings and talking cats.

Why get involved?

Being a part of the Production is a fun, energetic and educational experience that helps students both in their learning and as citizens of the wider world, whilst giving them a chance to make new friendships and get to know people from across the College. But what it really comes down to, is that it’s fun and entertaining.

Year 12 Interpretation of Blood Wedding

View more videos at Lilydale Heights YouTube channel

Lilydale Heights College

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17 Nelson Road, Lilydale, VIC, 3140

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